
Nothing more disheartening

Then sending a note, seeing that the person opened it and not getting a response back. Is it to much to ask for a simple no or not interested or I don't want to chat. smiley
10 years

Nothing more disheartening

loopytheone wrote:
Also, I am not sure who told men that it is an attractive and great idea to come on forums and whine that nobody wants to talk to them. It makes you come off as self-entitled, as though you feel that us women somehow owe you conversation and attention and are wronging you by not doing so. Not to mention that I wouldn't want to talk to somebody who fills their time with self pitying whining.

If you want women to answer you then be engaging. Ask them questions, talk about things you have in common, get to know that person. It really isn't very difficult.

Who said anything about women? I bet you think all men are the same don't you? I am talking about people in general. It's also a little hard to get to know someone when they don't respond in the first place.
10 years

Nothing more disheartening

Guggy wrote:
I dunno, I imagine getting a message back saying "You suck" would be more disheartening.

Well at least then they give someone the respect of at least acknowledging them. I don't know maybe it's just me but I would rather get "you suck" over being ignored entirely.
10 years

Nothing more disheartening

You're not owed a response. Get over yourself.
10 years

Nothing more disheartening

Many good points have been mentioned here.In my thinking I don't worry about getting answers to messages unless I've asked them something specific.Other than that if I get a reply good...If not oh well I tried.It's like in real life,if we got pissed off everytime we were ignored it would be a lousy life.We've all got to learn to roll with the punches & take the good with the bad & go on with life.
10 years

Nothing more disheartening

If women don't respond to your messages, it's because a lot of the time telling a guy "no" is interpreted as "convince me" or an invitation to insult her.
10 years

Nothing more disheartening

Look, it's a numbers game. If there were 10 women for every man on this site (I assume the OP is talking about females he's messaged, but I could be wrong) you wouldn't care or notice if half of them didn't message back.

It's unfortunate for the OP that he feels disheartened but Loopytheone and Murphy and all the others who have given reasons why people might not reply are right.

Don't be the whingeing little kid. It comes across as self-absorbed. And it does sound "entitled" when you say people could at least give you the respect of acknowledging you. You are expecting a response from them to a message they didn't ask to receive. You've got to get over that attitude, shrug, consider your approach and tactics, evaluate whether or not it might be something you're doing rather than them being rude, and move on.

Give us an example of one of these messages that's not been responded to and maybe you might get some constructive help?
10 years

Nothing more disheartening

Wow well it looks like I kicked a hornets nest or something, who would have thought that one persons opinion would rattle so many cages. Any who...

Give us an example of one of these messages that's not been responded to and maybe you might get some constructive help?

Well what I normally do is read someone's page and if they seem like they would be fun to talk to I would type something along the lines of this.

"Hey there I was reading your profile and you sound like a cool person to talk to. I was hoping we could chat some and get the chance to know each other a little."

Or something like that. I suck at starting conversations.
10 years

Nothing more disheartening

If I messaged someone asking to chat and they messaged back no thanks i would be way more offended and upset than if they just ignored me lol , wouldnt you prefer to think ' oh they just dont reply to anyone' rather than KNOW it was because they dont want to chat to YOU

and like other people have said, I dont think ive ever been able to just say to a guy ' no thanks im not interested' without being insulted or hassled in some way, so much easier to just ignore

not to mention that not all people are here for the social aspect of the site, some are just here to read the hot stories and get their rocks off, there should be an option to turn off messaging
10 years

Nothing more disheartening

ifonlyitweretrue wrote:
[quote]chubbyhoney wrote:
Limited messaging for free accounts is likely to blame for low response rates for this guy.

lol no we had people whining about getting no replies before the message limit was brought in SOZ
10 years
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